Translations Verified by a Native Portuguese Speaker ✔


Hi: “Oi”

Hello: “Olá”

Goodbye: “Adeus”

Polite expressions:

Please: “Por favor” or “Por gentileza”

Thank you: “Obrigado/a”


Yes: “Sim”

No: “Não”

Greetings by time of the day:

Good morning: “Bom dia”

How are you: “Como vai?” or “Como você está?”


My name is: “Meu nome é” or “Me chamo”

I am from: “Eu sou de”

De (neutral) is used to indicate origin, material, or source of something.

Do (masculine) is used to indicate origin, material, or source of something.

Da (feminine) is used to indicate origin, material, or source of something.

Dos (masculine plural) is used to indicate origin, material, or source of something.

Das (feminine plural) is used to indicate origin, material, or source of something.


I don’t understand: “Eu não entendo”

Can you repeat that: “Pode repetir” or “Repita, por favor”

I am sorry: “Desculpe”, “Lamento”, “Peço desculpas”, “Sinto muito”, “Perdão”


I am happy: “Eu estou feliz” or “Sou feliz”

I am hungry: “Estou com fome”

I am thirsty: “Estou com sede”

I am cold: “Estou com frio”

I am hot: “Estou com calor”

I am sick: “Estou doente”

I am full: “Estou cheio/a”

I am busy: “Estou ocupado/a”

I am afraid: “Estou com medo”

I am excited: “Estou animado/a”

I am proud: “Estou orgulhoso/a”

I am tired: “Estou cansado/a”

Note: “Estou feliz em encontrá-lo” is used when you are happy to have encountered someone, either in person or in the context of a conversation or other communication. It is similar to “I am happy to meet you” but implies that the encounter was unexpected.

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